Meet Your Teachers

Mrs. Carpenter
Hello!  My name is Mrs. Carpenter and I started working at RMCS when I student taught in Mrs. Kulhowvik's first grade and I have been here ever since. I am so excited for another
fun year in kindergarten! I grew up in Maine with my parents and three brothers but now I live in Essex Junction with my husband Mike, and daughter Mary!  I love to cook new foods, do art projects and of course, teach! I have also been spending a lot of time in my new garden this summer growing 7 different kinds of and going to the beach with my daughter! I can’t wait to meet you in the fall!

Mrs. Mahl


My name is Mrs. Mahl and this is my eighth year at Rick Marcotte Central School. I am so excited to teach Kindergarten and continue to work in such a kind, caring community. I grew up in Cheshire, CT and after high school, attended Saint Michael's College. I did my student teaching here at RMCS with Mrs. Jensvold and fell in love with this learning community. I taught second grade for one year in my hometown of Cheshire before coming back to Vermont to join the RMCS community. I have recently earned my Masters of Education with a concentration in Literacy at St. Michael's. I live here in South Burlington with my husband Jay, our daughter Avery, and two puppies Rupert and Gus. I love to spend time with my family, hike, garden, and most of all, play volleyball. You might see my at SBHS coaching the varsity team!

Thank you for sharing your wonderful children with me every day!

Job Share Information:
Mrs. Mahl and Mrs. Carpenter are excited to be job sharing this school year! This means your child has two teachers that will be thinking, planning and meeting all of their needs. Mrs. Carpenter will start the day with the class, teaching literacy and Mrs. Mahl will be there to greet students after recess and teaching math and science. Both of us will be attending all major events including parent-teacher conferences, Kindergarten Parent Night, Open House and more.

Kelly and Elizabeth have grown as teachers together. Both attended Saint Michael's College and student taught at RMCS. Elizabeth spent a year working in Kelly's classroom. We have a shared teaching philosophy based around creating a nurturing classroom, focusing on teaching the whole child, and creating life long learners.

Communication is key! We share a joint email account that both of us will check daily at  We are also available by phone at 652-7217 or would meet in person.

We know that kindergarten is a new adventure for many families, and a job share is a new experience for us. We are very excited and want you to be part of this journey. We are always open to feedback, and will also be sending home more formal ways of gathering information about how to create the best possible learning experience for you and your child.

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